Photo by Misha Bruk
Helpful Stanford Resources for Students and Postdocs
Helpful Stanford Resources for Students and Postdocs
These are not all-inclusive lists. Rather, these are helpful starting points for identifying relevant resources.
Academic and Professional Development
- Academic Coaching: Help with common challenges such as note-taking and time management for all students
- Stanford Career Education: Career planning and job search resources for all students
- Center for Teaching and Learning: Training and resources for instructors and TAs
- Dissertation Bootcamp: For graduate students writing their dissertation, thesis, or other projects
- English for Foreign Students: Courses for all students for whom English is a second language
- Grad Studio: A peer-learning program for graduate students consisting of instructional workshops followed by work sessions on topics related to graduate academics such as citation management, data presentation, and literature reviews
- Grad Study Halls: A space for graduate students for focused work related to their research
- Haas Center for Public Service: Connecting all students with opportunities to serve local, national, and global communities
- Hume Center for Writing and Speaking: Resources and tutoring in oral and written communication for all students
- Lathrop Learning Hub: Technology support and resources for all students
- Office of Accessible Education: Academic and residential accommodations for all students with disabilities
- Office of Postdoctoral Affairs: Support for postdocs in all aspects of their training
- Stanford On & Off-Campus Learning Opportunities (SOLO): A listing of experiential learning opportunities (ELOs) for undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs.
- Student Learning Programs: Tutoring, study halls, coaching and other resources for all students
- Vice Provost and Dean of Research: Resources for managing scholarly inquiry and research for all students
- Vice Provost for Graduate Education: Professional development, fellowships, programs, and other resources for graduate students
- Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education: Academic advising and planning, programs, funding, and other resources for undergraduates
Campus Communities and Community Centers
- Asian American Activities Center: (A3C)-Resources, programming, and support for the Asian and Asian American Stanford community
- Bechtel International Center: Resources and support for international students and scholars and their families
- Black Community Services Center: (“The Black House"): Resources, programming, and support for the Black community at Stanford
- El Centro Chicano y Latino: Resources, programming, and support for the Chicano and Latino community at Stanford
- First-Gen and/or Low Income (FLI): Support and resources for all FLI students
- Graduate Life Office: Support and resources for graduate students
- Hillel@Stanford: Resources, programing, and support for the Jewish community at Stanford
- The Markaz: Resource Center: Resources, programing, and support for the global Muslim community at Stanford
- Native American Cultural Center: Resources, programming, and support for the Native American, Alaskan Native, Native Hawai’ian community at Stanford
- Office for Inclusion, Belonging and Intergroup Communication (IBIC): Resources and programming for all students to build communication and understanding across differences.
- Office for Military-Affiliated Communities: Resources, programming, and support for the military-affiliated and veteran communities at Stanford
- Queer Student Resources: Resources, programming, and support for all students of all gender identities and sexual orientations
- Office for Religious and Spiritual Life: Guidance and support of spiritual and religious life in the Stanford community
- Undocumented at Stanford: Resources for undocumented students
- Women’s Community Center: Resources, programming, and support for all students around issues of gender, equity, identity, and justice
Concerns and Grievances
- Protected Identity Harm Reporting: For reporting and addressing an act of harm to an individual or community based on their identity
- ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)/Section 504 Grievance Procedure: For grievances alleging discrimination on the basis of disability or denial of accommodations and services
- Age Discrimination Act of 1975: For grievances alleging discrimination on the basis of age
- Grievance Resolution Procedure for Postdoctoral Scholars: For postdoc academic and non-academic grievances
- SHARE/Title IX Office: For reporting alleged incidents of interpersonal violence, harassment, and/or gender-based discrimination
- Student Academic Grievance Procedure: For student grievances alleging improper academic decision
- Student Grievances: Stanford Bulletin student grievances summary page
- Student Non-Academic Grievance Procedure: For student grievances that do not fall within other processes, including potential discrimination and harassment
Concern for a Student or Postdoc
- Red Folder: Guidance and resources for faculty & staff supporting student well-being, comprehensive listing of resources when there is concern for a student
- Graduate Life Office (Graduate Students): 24/7 support for graduate students or to report concern about a graduate student
- Office of Postdoctoral Affairs: Resources for postdocs, including emergency resources
- Student Support Team (Undergraduates): 24/7 support for undergraduate students or to report concern about an undergraduate
Confidential Resources
- CAPS - Counseling and Psychological Services: Counseling and mental health services for all students
- Confidential Support Team (CST): Counseling and consultation for those impacted by sexual, relationship, and gender-based violence
- Faculty Staff Help Center: Counseling and other resources for postdocs
- Office of the Ombuds: Any concern interfering with academic or work life for all community members
- Office of Religious and Spiritual Life: Resource for all community members regardless of personal beliefs
- Postdoc Assistance Program: Counseling and resources for postdocs’ personal and work-life issues
- The Bridge Peer Counseling Center: Student-run peer counseling for all students
- Vaden Health Services: Student medical health services and preventative counseling
- Weiland Health Initiative: Clinical services for students across all gender identities and sexual orientations
Department and Program Resources
- Director of Graduate Studies: Faculty member who oversees graduate education, a resource for questions and concerns (see department’s Bulletin page)
- Director of Undergraduate Studies: Faculty member who oversees undergraduate education, a resource for questions and concerns (see department’s Bulletin page)
- Handbooks: Academic policies and processes for a specific degree program (not all programs have a handbook)
- Student Services Staff: A first contact for questions about degree requirements and resources
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Diversity and Access Office: University-wide compliance with federal, state and local regulations about non-discrimination and disability access
- Diversity Works: Stanford news, resources, and events related to diversity, equity, and inclusion
- H&S Diversity Programs: Resources for H&S faculty, graduate students, and prospective graduate students
- IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access in a Learning Environment): President’s initiative on inclusion, diversity, equity, and access in research, recruitment, education, and engagement
- Office of Accessible Education: Support and resources for all students with disabilities
- Office for Inclusion, Belonging and Intergroup Communication (IBIC): Resources and programming to build communication and understanding across differences at Stanford
- VPGE Diversity Initiatives: VPGE resources to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in graduate education
Financial Resources
- Financial Aid Graduate Basics: Information for graduate students about funding and financial aid
- Financial Aid Undergraduate Basics: Information for undergraduate students about financial aid
- Financial Aid Office: Helpful information for all students, including estimated cost of attendance
- Financial Assistance Programs for Postdoctoral Scholars: Funding for postdocs facing financially challenging situations
- Graduate Student Support Funding: Funding for graduate students facing financially challenging situations
- Mind Over Money: Resources to equip all students to make informed financial decisions
- My Finances: Information for all students about their student accounts, payroll deduction, and other financial topics
- Opportunity Fund: Financial assistance for FLI undergraduates with unexpected financial challenges and opportunities related to their academic or professional development
Health and Wellness
- The Bridge Peer Counseling Center: Student-run peer counseling for all students
- CAPS - Counseling and Psychological Services: Counseling and mental health services for all students
- Confidential Support Team (CST): Counseling and consultation for those impacted by sexual, relationship, and gender-based violence
- Environmental Health and Safety: Health and Safety information for all community members
- Grieving at Stanford: Help and resources when experiencing grief and loss.
- Lactation Resources: Helpful resources about breastfeeding including campus locations
- Mental Health Resources at Stanford: An overview of Stanford’s mental health and wellness resources for students
- Muslim Mental Health Initiative (MMHI) Care Program: Connects students to local Muslim-identifying therapists
- Office of Religious and Spiritual Life: Resource for all community members regardless of personal beliefs
- Recreation and Wellness: Recreation, fitness, and wellness information for the Stanford community
- SHARE/Title IX Office: Resources for community impacted by interpersonal violence, harassment, and gender-based discrimination
- Vaden Student Health Center: Student medical health services and preventative counseling
- Well-Being at Stanford: Resources and programs to promote student wellbeing and flourishing
- Weiland Health Initiative: Health and wellness resources for students across all gender identities and sexual orientations
University Policies
- Administrative Guide: Policies and guidelines for non-research university activities, including undergraduate and graduate student employment
- Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures: University policies and information related to graduate student academic progress
- Research Policy Handbook: University policies and guidelines related to research
- Stanford Bulletin: Official catalog of courses, degrees, policies, and degree requirements
- University-wide policy documents: Helpful list of university-wide policies and guidelines