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Conference / Symposium

Urban Ethnography with MacArthur Fellow Forrest Stuart

Big Ideas
Past Event
Tue., October 3, 2023
9:00am - 10:00am
Zoom recording
See event details for admission info

Forrest Stuart, a 2020 MacArthur Fellow and professor of sociology, talks with Professor Ran Abramitzky about the importance of listening and of empathy in his research on the homeless people in skid row in Los Angeles and young gang-associated men on the South Side of Chicago. Get a glimpse into Stuart’s personal and professional path, how his ideas made a difference in the world, and what advice he has for students and for researchers.

Big Ideas

Stanford’s Nobel Laureates and MacArthur “Genius” Fellows talk with H&S Senior Associate Dean Ran Abramitzky about their award-winning research and their personal and professional paths.

Open to the Stanford community.